Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Final project "The Pitch"

 Mac Lipstick Campaign Pitch

How do you pick your stick? Do you like it dark, light or in between? Are you a "Troublemaker" or a "Smash Hit?" Either way it's a "win win" situation because you will be "Infused with Glam," and your honey will love you to "Sweet Bits." Whatever color You choose you will look "Glaringly Hip" and everyone will say "Wham!" "Baby's on Fire!"

  This is sort of a skit that includes just some of the lipstick colors that MAC offers. The words or phrases that are in quotations are the featured colors. I plan to make the text the same color as the particular lipstick as well as have different personalities for each color. Once I had written this skit I had to ask myself "Does it sound stiff? Or like an annoying salesperson trying to sell you something? It should sound like something you'd say in conversation with a friend."


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

EOC: Vintage Ad

This Teflon ad is saying that Teflon nonstick cookware is the perfect gift for any occasion, give it as a Christmas gift, give it as a birthday gift, it really doesn’t matter what the occasion any homemaker would love to own Teflon nonstick cookware. Your son could by it for you or even Santa could gift it to you, Teflon is the perfect kitchen essential for homemakers around the world. You shouldn’t be caught without this non-stick cookware, kits the top on the line in cookware and anyone that’s anyone should have the Teflon cookware in their kitchen.

This Jolly Green Giant ad explains that Jolly Green Giant vegetables or “Nibltes” are better than the competitors because Jolly green doesn’t pack their corn with lots of water so when you eat jolly green “Niblets” you get that fresh corn on the cob taste that other brands don’t. That’s the Jolly Green standard in vegetables. This ad is cute and I remember them from when I was growing up. My mother always bought the Jolly Green Giant brand of vegetables and I think it was smart of the creators to make this ad appealing to a younger audience because you know when kids see something on the TV they beg their parents for it and seeing that corn is healthy I know more moms bought this brands.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Super Bowl Ad EOC


Who: M&M's

What:  Candy Stripping

when: Night

Where: Party/lounge

Why: Brown shell confused other candy

This ad that was played during the 2012 Super Bowl was hilarious! It is appealing not only because everyone loves M&M's but also because sex sells. As you watch the female candy is explaining to two women at a party that's he isn't naked and that her shell is just brown. I think that who ever thought of this concept is a genius and this type of commercial is long over due. We've all heard people say that the brown ones are better because there is less dye because chocolate is already brown but by making the male candy get confused by the brown shell, make this a one of a kind commercial. The choice of music was also a great touch and I know that every time anyone hears that song they will get an image of that little M&M stripping down and saying" I didn't know it was that type of party!" This ad can relate to people on different levels, a young women could relate to being at a lounge with guys trying to pick her up, just as a womanizing man could relate to being at a bar. this is an all around great modern advertising campaign that sets the bar.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

EOC Role of women in modern advertising

Advertising hasn't changed much since the Mad Men days and it is shown here in this Dolce & Gabbana ad. The woman is still an object of the mans desire but is still literally held down. In the old days women were meant to stay at home, take care of the kids and keep food on the table. Even though today's women go out and strive to make great careers for themselves we are still portrayed as sexual objects that are up for grabs. You hardly ever see advertisements with strong powerful and successful women without them being half dressed or looking like some kind of glamazon all greased up with mac polished lips as seen in the Live more with life advertisement below. This is ad is picture is on a site saying that 50 percent of young women prefer larger breasts over high IQ, why would women want larger breasts over a higher IQ? That's a given, because women think men like larger breasts and women want men because men make women happier as stated at I have no problem with women being sexy, I love being sexy but there is a time and place for it. i would really like to see a change in the way that the world advertises but as they say sex sells and if isn't broke then don't fix it.