Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Final Project " The Big Idea"

"A big idea is a solid, creative, on-brand idea that is large enough and flexible enough to be used effectively across media for a period of time.The idea sets the framework for all your design decisions." Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas across Media.Wiley.Landa,R.(2010)(68)My idea for my M.A.C advertisement will be a print ad featuring myself as the model. A single head shot will be the image of the M.A.C lipstick campaign. I know that seeing a beautiful girl wearing lipstick isn't unusual for a lipstick ad but M.A.C usually focuses on usisng celebrities in their campaigns so I thought that using a regular everyday girl would be a good change. This ad will be the ad to launch the contest in which one young lady will have the chance to show her face to the world. This idea could even be a reoccurring theme featuring many new faces that no one has ever seen. This is my big idea because in thinking of the consumer insight and "Finding a relevant insight into how people think, what they need or desire, and how they act, termed a consumer insight, is paramount for idea generation."Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas across Media.Wiley.Landa,R.(2010)(68) The parameters of the contest will include creating the most creative makeup on the provided models. There will be no limits on how creative the makeup can look but the contestants must only use M.A.C makeup.
Certainly, everyone wants to create imaginative, effective advertising—fresh work that hasn't been done before, ads that make people watch and then act, solutions that make other creative professionals say, “I wish I had thought of that!” Creating the “same old” won't grab anyone's attention." Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas across Media.Wiley.Landa,R.(2010)(107) With this concept every young woman can compete for their dream of being famous."An integrated media ad campaign  which works across channels, which might include print, broadcast, interactive, mobile, video-sharing, other screen-based media, out-of-home media, and unconventional media."Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas across Media.Wiley.Landa,R.(2010)(92) and this campaign could easily be turned into a commercial by bringing a different model for each lipstick color.These models could each have a piece of the skip to say in each of the nine frames.

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